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  • 玻璃钢污水管道特点、应用以及规格
  • 本站编辑:杭州佳科化工设备有限公司发布日期:2019-08-02 15:27 浏览次数:



1、具有优良的物理性能,玻璃钢管材的比重为1.8-2.1,约为钢的1/4,比钢、铸铁和塑料的强度高,玻璃钢管道的重量一般不大于同规格钢管的1 /3,物理力学性能优异,此外,玻璃钢管的膨胀系数与钢大体相当,热传导系数只有钢的0.5%,是一种很好的热和电的缘体。


3、水力特性优异,水力特性是玻璃钢管的重要特征之一。水力特性优异意味着流体压头损失小,可以选用较小管径或功率较小的输送泵,从而减少管线工程初期投 资、节省电能、降低运行成本。玻璃钢内表面相当光滑,一般表面粗糙率可取0.0084,几乎可以认为是“水力光滑管”,在运行中,钢管、铸铁管、水泥管等 的内表面,经常发生局部腐蚀,变得越来越粗糙,而玻璃钢始终保持着新生管的表面光滑状态。

4、安装、维护费用低,一般来说,玻璃钢管不需要防腐处理;保温层可以减薄,甚至不另做保温处理;管道比较轻,吊装设备吨位小,功率消耗小,玻璃钢管长度 比水泥管及铸铁管长,接头相对减少,这些都会降低安装和维护费用,这已被国内外许多工程实践所证明。

5、设计灵活性大,改型周期短。玻璃钢是浸有树脂基的纤维增强材料,按照特定工艺条件逐层缠绕到芯模上并进行适当固化而制成的,管壁是一种层状结构,可以 通过改变树脂系统或采用不同的增强材料来调整玻璃钢管的各项物理和化学性能,以适应不同介质和工作条件制成不同压力等级或具有某种特殊性能的玻璃钢管。改 型周期短,是纤维缠绕复合材料的显著特点,各向同性的金属管材无法与其相比。


* 化学介质输送管

* 各类工艺管

* 地面上小型水电站压力水管、发电厂循环水管

* 污水收集及输送管道

* 饮用水输送干线管及配水管

* 油田注水管及原油输送管

* 热能输送管、海水输送管

* 农业灌溉用管

* 温泉水输送管

* 饮用水输送干线管及配水管


* 内管直径:DN25-4000

* 长度:1m、3m、6m、12m

* 压力等级:0.1Mpa,0.6Mpa,1.0Mpa,1.6Mpa,2.5Mpa

Characteristics, applications and specifications of FRP sewage pipes

I. characteristics of fiberglass sewage pipes

1, with excellent physical properties, the proportion of glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes of 1.8-2.1, which is about a quarter of the steel, higher than the strength of the steel, cast iron and plastic, the weight of the glass fiber reinforced plastic pipeline is generally not more than 1/3 of the steel tube with specification, physical and mechanical performance is excellent, in addition, the expansion coefficient of glass steel pipe and steel the same, only 0.5% of the steel, heat conduction coefficient is a kind of very good heat and electrical insulators.

2, resistant to chemical corrosion, long service life, suitable for various acid, alkali, salt and organic solvents and other media.

3, excellent hydraulic characteristics, hydraulic characteristics is one of the important characteristics of glass tube. Excellent hydraulic characteristics mean that the loss of fluid head is small, and the transmission pump with smaller pipe diameter or power can be selected, so as to reduce the initial investment in pipeline engineering, save electric energy and reduce operating cost. The inner surface of FRP is quite smooth, and the surface roughness rate is generally 0.0084, which can almost be considered as "hydraulic smooth pipe". In operation, the inner surface of steel pipe, cast iron pipe, cement pipe, etc., often suffers from local corrosion and becomes rougher and rougher, while FRP always maintains the smooth surface of the new tube.

4, installation, maintenance costs are low, generally speaking, glass tube does not need anti-corrosion treatment; Insulation layer can be reduced thin, or even do not do separate insulation treatment; The pipe is relatively light, the hoisting equipment tonnage is small, the power consumption is small, the glass steel tube length is longer than the cement pipe and the cast iron pipe, the joint is relatively reduced, all these will reduce the installation and maintenance costs, which has been proved by many engineering practices at home and abroad.

5. Great design flexibility and short modification cycle. FRP is leaching resin base of fiber reinforced materials, according to the specific process conditions step by step a wound on the mandrel and made of proper curing, tube wall is a kind of layered structure, can be enhanced by changing the resin system or using different materials to adjust the glass steel pipe of various physical and chemical properties, to adapt to the different media and working conditions made into different classes or have some special properties of glass steel pipes. The modification period is short, which is a remarkable characteristic of fiber wound composites.

Second, glass fiber reinforced plastic sewage pipe application

* chemical medium delivery pipe

* all kinds of process tubes

* pressure water pipes of small hydropower stations on the ground, circulating water pipes of power plants

* sewage collection and transport pipelines

* drinking water mains and distribution pipes

* oil field water injection pipe and crude oil delivery pipe

* heat transfer pipe, seawater transfer pipe

* agricultural irrigation pipes

* hot spring water pipe

* drinking water mains and distribution pipes

Three, glass fiber reinforced plastic sewage pipe specifications

* inner tube diameter: dn25-4000

* length: 1m, 3m, 6m, 12m

* pressure classes: 0.1mpa, 0.6mpa, 1.0mpa, 1.6mpa, 2.5mpa